Launching Paper Rockets at "The Saturday Thing"
Maple Magic: Project-based Learning and Design Thinking
Presented by Rachel Shuler At EdTechTeacher Summit 2017 in Boston
Google-ify your MakerSpace: Projects that blend GSuite and making
Presented at ISTE 2017 in San Antonio, TX
Maple Madness
Presented at ReDesignEDU 2017 at Cranbrook Schools
Benefits of Design Thinking
Presented at ReDesignEDU 2017 at Cranbrook Schools
How might we..embed use of a makerspace across the curriculum?
Presented at ReDesignEDU 2017 at Cranbrook Schools
EurekaLab: Just One Day
EurekaLab: Exploring Sound By Making Musical Instruments
Children Writing for Children Published in NAIS Independent Teacher
Meadowbrook Middle School English Teacher Ryan Tahmaseb's reflection on his design thinking project "Children Writing for Children" was recently published by NAIS.
Promoting a Maker Mindset - MASS MASC 2016
Design Thinking your Digital Citizenship Curriculum - Innovation Summit 2016
Quest for Innovation: Lessons Learned MassCUE 2016
Presented at MassCue 2016
Design Thinking: Examples and Aha! Moments
The Saturday Thing at the eurekaLab, 4/2/16
Come Code, Construct, and Create with the iPad
Presented by Dottie Corbiere and Sue Fisher, ITEEA 2016
Building Geographic Features in Minecraft EDU
Science, Electronics & Design Thinking in the EurekaLab Timelapse
Makerspaces and Google Apps
Presented at MassCUE Winter Camp featuring Google Apps for Education, 2/18/16